domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009

I'm not falling apart!

Well... Summer vacation are over, tomorrow i'll be entering a new semester in the same school, in the same classroom, in the same country, with the same old guys... but somehow it doesn't feel the same, why? i like to think that it's because i'm not the same... These 3 months i learned a lot of things about myself and that is weird haha

What did i learn this summer? ... for instance i discover that i never had a real break-up and that Break-ups hurts like hell... first 2 weeks i was the lamest person alive ... i cried ... which was weird, i felt well... weak and vulnerable i grew my break-up beard (Btw... it was awesome) and so ... i think this is the first time my heart was really broken.

It took some time to recover of course... but with the help of my friends and music i got through it... Thanks to Oliver, Manuel, Sergio, Pepe and Adrian... as well to Bon jovi and Maroon 5 =P and of course to How i met your mother Lol.

Somehow in a second i went from patetic to awesome! i was by all means... happy, but at the same time weird, i just finished a long relationship(2 years and some months... no really, i don't remember) and suddenly i'm back to the single life! and by god... is awesome... but i'm not use to it, even today i miss the feeling of having someone to hug in every possible situation but more on that later.

I was going out with my friends, getting drunk and playing MMORPG like hell without the need of giving put explication ... somehow people say that i lost weight... even though i think i've eating like there's no tomorrow, i was free.

Singing songs like "Makes me wonder", "Little of your time", "wake up call" and "Not coming home" from maroon 5 was so cool it fetl so good and of course "You give love a bad name" from bon jovi got me in my feet, then "Alive" came.

Alive is a "thing" my friend manuel invited me... and wow... those 4 days were awesome i discovered a lot more things about myself than ever... For example that i always smile but i'm not always happy... it's just a charade, i'm less patient with people than before... and of course the fact that i hide and bury most of my feelings, good and bad... i'm not going to say that this "Thing" change me, oh no... it just made like myself even more haha.

I'm still the same guy who laughs when he's sad and cries when is happy, The same guy who hates being look down on him, the same guy who hides his anger and when he can't take it anymore explotes, the same guy who if he wants to learn something, he does it by himself but now This guy wont let anyone to look down on him, this guy wont accept shit from anyone, this guys respect himself, this guy is more confident in his looks and inteligence, this guy is not afraid anymore.

so ... yeah this summer changed me not in a external way ... is a insight change... and i like it.

I discovered... that now i know what name i want for my son, i discovered that i mastered the english language and ... thanks to a girl named Lilian... i also discover that i suck at my native tongue (mexican LOL), i found out that now i have a pokemon name: "Mexicor" (credits goes for Ricky and Sean) and Nessy says that i'm a good singer (but i need more opinions to really say so)

But i found out that... yeah i like the single life... i feel good and awesome!!! but ... i'm not good at it ... but i guess (according to my "Meeting girls" skills) that i'll have to be awesome for a while longer.

And so ... Paco tomorrow afternoon goes to college and begins a new chapter i'd like to call "Awesome!". (yeah How i met your mother rly hit me ... but more on that later)

and no.... i'm not falling apart.

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