sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2009

Songs With meaning! /omg

Well i'm just going to write part of songs that meant a lot to me the last half-year =D//Canciones que me pegaron/llegaron en los ultimos 6 meses.

This modern love - Bloc party http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GApfSwYQIkA
"Baby, you've got to be more discerning
I've never known what's good for me
Baby, you've got to be more demanding
I will be yours
This modern love breaks me
This modern love wastes me

Bounce - The cab http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiuBOM2mjIo
his is it, Call it quits with honesty (You don't need this)
Every word is a curse let loose on me
Your mouth it moves but fails to speak
And when you use your lips they better be on me

So filthy, Dialed desire
Swallowed pride but spit out fire"

She loves everybody - Chester French
"You're just a little girl now
You're just a girl who misses her dad
And all the toys that she had

Thought I could make you older
Thought I could keep you out of harm
But now you're caught in my arms "

Hands Down - Dashboard Confesional
"My hopes are so high,
that your kiss might kill me.
So won't you kill me,
so I die happy.
My heart is yours to fill or burst,
to break or bury,
or wear as jewelery,
which ever you prefer."

Olvidar - Fernando Delgadillo
"Voy a olvidarme tu nombre
Aunque sea lo ultimo que haga
Aunque sea la última cosa que me esconda la ontanaza
Y ojalá que en mi camino no me abrume la añoranza
porque aunque muera de pena voy a olvidarme de ti

Y que me atrape la noche y que me lleven las tormentas
Si le vuelvo a dar motivo al sentido que te recuerdo
Te repite y te repite y vuelve a hacer pronunciación
De ese tu nombre, de luz que ardía en la habitación
Como me amabas como me necesitabas como fue que se fue todo
De repente una mañana desperté lejos de ti de todo lo que fuerayo

Voy a olvidar cada noche andar al filo de tu calle
A la luz de esos faroles que jamás debieron ser
La luz que guiara mis pasos al compás de los recuerdos
Que me enardecen la sangre y hacen entre fiebre y vuelos
Un fuego en el que arde mi alma cuando sueña con tu piel
Si un dia te dije que a mis manos no se olvida la caricia de tus manos
Tu mirada encendida, voy a olvidarte de veras
Hoy olvida que te olvida, voy a derrumbar mis sueños a diseminarlas ruinas
A liberarte y dejar que nada haya en tu lugar
Porque si asi no lo hiciera si comienzo a recordar
con la luz de tu milagro no podria volver a amar"

Go your own way - Fleetwood Mac
"If I could
Maybe Id give you my world
How can i
When you wont take it from me

You can go your own way
Go your own way
You an call it
Another lonely day
You can go your own way
Go your own way"

Jugo de Luna - Gustavo Cerati
"Jugo de luna me diste
voy por más.
Jugo de luna me diste
voy por más.
Por perderme en un zigzag frenético...
En una gota cabe el universo,
cuando arqueás el cuerpo
y vengo a besar un profundo manantial."

Hot n' Cold - Kate perry
"You change your mind like a girl changes clothes
Yeah, you change your mind like a girl I would know
And you always think, always speak cryptically
I should know that you're no good for me"

Spit on a Stranger - Pavement
"However you feel,
whatever it takes,
whenever it's real,
whatever awaits,
whatever you need,
however so slight,
whenever it's real,
whenever it's right.

Honey I'm a prize and you're a catch
and we're a perfect match"

And NOW Maroon 5// y ahora Maroon 5
... ok no... en el proximo post XD que me emociono

miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2009

Soy un hombre

Bueno hoy voy a escribir en español y me arriesgare a recibir mentadas de madre de parte de Lilian por mi malisima ortografia

otra semana pasa y aunque segun yo iba a escribir cada dia ... dela nada ya no tengo tiempo... les cuento, pues ya entre a la escuela full time desde el lunes... clases buenas (aunque odie a la de administracion) pero resulta que mi infinita sabiduria decidi que era tiempo de tambien trabajar, asi que el Lunes llame y el martes entre a trabajar en la notaria publica 131 con el Notario Gabriel Benjamin Diaz Soto y seguirle en la escuela... solo hay una ventaja ... le saco jugo a mis trajes y en lo hermosisisismo que me veo en ellos xD haha, pero pues miren mi horario de trabajo es de las 7:30am a las 3:00pm y mi escuela pues hay dias que es asi "4:00pm a 8:30pm" y otros que va asi "6:00pm a 9pm" asi que pues podran imaginar que estoy cansado, tengo tarea y no me puedo dormir tan temprano como quisiera aunque todavia me doy el tiempo para escribir en mi blog que de seguro nadie lee pero bueno ... si es realmente ese l caso entonces tomare estos escritos como para hacer un "insight" de mi mismo.

Pase el segundo nivel de alive... y fue muy chido la verdad y muero por ver a mis compañeros de nuevo, no les puedo contar casi nada asi que hasta qaqui hablare de alive XD hahaha solo que ahora tengo mi decision al maximo =D

en la escuela me va bien salvo el hecho de que me doy cuenta que las vacaciones realmente hicieron daño en mis conocimientos ... llege a clase de contratos civiles y me dieron una mega madriza XD hahaha lo bueno es que no fue solo a mi sino a todos mis compañeros pero la verdad si me dio mucha pena por que me considero bueno y llego y de la nada no me se ni madres!? de que se trata! necesito estudiar!!! Matado time!!!

bueno en la notaria pues ya me conocian asi que acoplarme no es un problema, de hecho hay mucha gente que me ayuda y apoya, nada mas espero que sea constante hahaha en lo que le aprendo bien a todo =D pero nooooo las salidas me matan asi con 4 escrituras a firmalas por todos lados XD y aunque no lo crean si pesan mucho especialmente cuando te la dan con todo el expediente y mueres X_X hahaha pero la verdad me gusta y me siento a gustisismo... siento que necesito dormir asi que me ire a dormir ... por ahora creo que es lo unico importante que decir =P

see ya!

domingo, 23 de agosto de 2009

How i met your mother.

How i met your mother.

...how did i discover "HIMYM" ummm oh right! i was in ...ok i dont remeber that, but i just finished watching scrubs... the whole 7 seasons... Then i wanted to watch another i think it was random... frist episode love it... the rest is history.

Why How i met your mother hit me that hard?? i dont know if it was for the break-up i was going through or the fact that i feel so close to the main character "Ted" ... That character and me are well alike in the ways of thinking and acting. How i met your mother starts with a voice (ted's voice but older) telling his childrens (sitting in front of him, they are staring at the camera.) "Kids i'm going to tell you an incredible story, The story of how i met your mother"

I hope that someday... i say those exactly words to my childrens.

Let me tell you something about Ted Mosby That guy want to get married... and he's always looking for "the one", the guy is cute and adorable wants 2 kids a boy and a girl and he's overly in touch with his feelings, and i want the same, Ladies please spin that as good XD haha, The whole show is well... how ted met his wife, but ... i mean they are 4 seasons and we still dont meet the god-dammed lady.

The character are:

Ted Mosby - (Josh Radnor)Me! xD
Marshall Eriksen - (Jason Segel)
Robin Scherbatsky - (Cobie Smulders)Beautiful!
Barney Stinson - (Neil Patrick Harris)AWESOME!
Lily Aldrin (Alyson Hannigan)

There's so many Awesome quotes from this... like... "Awesome"hahahaha! and "Suit-UP" which only augmented my love for suits and "It's going to be Legendary!!" and their derivaties "it's going to be legen... Wait fot it... DARY!" and such... all courtesy of barney stinson!!! The most AWESOME guy ever! ... no really.

i also got the "Bro code" this book is a set of rules for bros ... ummm ok i think that deservers a post of its own.

Anyways for how mucho i want to talk to you guys about this awesome series... anything i say would be considered as spoilers... so that's all i'm going to give you a link so you can watch it online if you want.

http://watchxonline.com/category/171-season-1.php That's only season 1 but you can find them all there... just click on the tags just above the title

ok See ya all!~

Btw... i overlooked my writing... so if you find a lot of mistakes ... dont be surprised.

I'm not falling apart!

Well... Summer vacation are over, tomorrow i'll be entering a new semester in the same school, in the same classroom, in the same country, with the same old guys... but somehow it doesn't feel the same, why? i like to think that it's because i'm not the same... These 3 months i learned a lot of things about myself and that is weird haha

What did i learn this summer? ... for instance i discover that i never had a real break-up and that Break-ups hurts like hell... first 2 weeks i was the lamest person alive ... i cried ... which was weird, i felt well... weak and vulnerable i grew my break-up beard (Btw... it was awesome) and so ... i think this is the first time my heart was really broken.

It took some time to recover of course... but with the help of my friends and music i got through it... Thanks to Oliver, Manuel, Sergio, Pepe and Adrian... as well to Bon jovi and Maroon 5 =P and of course to How i met your mother Lol.

Somehow in a second i went from patetic to awesome! i was by all means... happy, but at the same time weird, i just finished a long relationship(2 years and some months... no really, i don't remember) and suddenly i'm back to the single life! and by god... is awesome... but i'm not use to it, even today i miss the feeling of having someone to hug in every possible situation but more on that later.

I was going out with my friends, getting drunk and playing MMORPG like hell without the need of giving put explication ... somehow people say that i lost weight... even though i think i've eating like there's no tomorrow, i was free.

Singing songs like "Makes me wonder", "Little of your time", "wake up call" and "Not coming home" from maroon 5 was so cool it fetl so good and of course "You give love a bad name" from bon jovi got me in my feet, then "Alive" came.

Alive is a "thing" my friend manuel invited me... and wow... those 4 days were awesome i discovered a lot more things about myself than ever... For example that i always smile but i'm not always happy... it's just a charade, i'm less patient with people than before... and of course the fact that i hide and bury most of my feelings, good and bad... i'm not going to say that this "Thing" change me, oh no... it just made like myself even more haha.

I'm still the same guy who laughs when he's sad and cries when is happy, The same guy who hates being look down on him, the same guy who hides his anger and when he can't take it anymore explotes, the same guy who if he wants to learn something, he does it by himself but now This guy wont let anyone to look down on him, this guy wont accept shit from anyone, this guys respect himself, this guy is more confident in his looks and inteligence, this guy is not afraid anymore.

so ... yeah this summer changed me not in a external way ... is a insight change... and i like it.

I discovered... that now i know what name i want for my son, i discovered that i mastered the english language and ... thanks to a girl named Lilian... i also discover that i suck at my native tongue (mexican LOL), i found out that now i have a pokemon name: "Mexicor" (credits goes for Ricky and Sean) and Nessy says that i'm a good singer (but i need more opinions to really say so)

But i found out that... yeah i like the single life... i feel good and awesome!!! but ... i'm not good at it ... but i guess (according to my "Meeting girls" skills) that i'll have to be awesome for a while longer.

And so ... Paco tomorrow afternoon goes to college and begins a new chapter i'd like to call "Awesome!". (yeah How i met your mother rly hit me ... but more on that later)

and no.... i'm not falling apart.